
Wolves are fighting for survival and they need protection.

Protect Our Pack

Gray wolves were once driven to near extinction in the lower 48 states due to hunting, trapping, and bounties. Today, most gray wolves in the U.S. are protected by the Endangered Species Act, except in the Northern Rockies where aggressive wolf-killing has turned states into graveyards for fallen wolves. If new legislation succeeds in stripping federal protections from gray wolves across America, many more wolves will be in danger of becoming targets for trophy hunting and trapping. Even if your state isn’t home to wild wolves, your actions have a nationwide impact on their survival and recovery.

What's at Stake

Federal Protections Under Threat

Today, gray wolves occupy only a fraction of their ancestral lands, yet they are at risk of losing the protections afforded by the Endangered Species Act—a critical setback that could undo decades of recovery progress. The so-called "Trust the Science Act" (H.R. 764) is currently circulating through Congress and has already passed in the House of Representatives. This bill aims to permanently remove federal protections from gray wolves across the continental U.S. without judicial review, preventing courts from reversing the action.

Deadly Consequences Without Protection

Without federal protections, wolves are left vulnerable to state laws that often cater to trophy hunting interests. In the Northern Rockies, gray wolves have already been stripped of their federal protections by an act of Congress, leading to the slaughter of hundreds of wolves in state-sanctioned trophy hunts every year. A temporary removal of protections in Wisconsin resulted in the killing of 218 wolves in just three days.

Protecting All Wolves

The survival and recovery of the Mexican gray wolf (“lobo”) and the red wolf also relies on federal protections. With only about 250 lobos roaming Arizona and New Mexico, and red wolves in North Carolina perilously close to extinction in the wild, the urgency to protect America’s wolves could not be greater.

Elect to Protect

Now is the time to act—before its too late. Vote for officials who will protect wolves and raise your voice for their future.

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