Mollie's pack pup; Jimmy Jones Photography


Take Action to Save Wolves

Take action now to save the gray wolf - a species that plays an essential role in our planet's delicate ecological balance. Together, we can elect officials who prioritize their safety and recovery. Although your state may not be home to gray wolves, your voice still matters in preserving their future. Your federal officials hold the power to vote on bills that will impact the lives of wolves across America.

Simply provide your address below to discover your elected officials, as well as the federal officials we endorse. On November 5, 2024, we can vote for a future where gray wolves can flourish, free from trophy hunting. Join us in the movement!

Take action now to save the gray wolf - a species that plays an essential role in our planet's delicate ecological balance. Together, we can elect officials who prioritize their safety and recovery.Your voice matters in preserving the future for wolves in your state and across America.

Simply provide your address below to discover your state and federal elected officials, as well as the officials we endorse.On November 5, 2024, we can vote for a future where gray wolves can flourish, free from trophy hunting. Join us in the movement!